This is a collection of Legendary Pokémon coloring pages.
Pokémon is a popular game and there are a lot of Pokémon’s that came out as time goes by.
We are obviously a fan of Pokemon that is why we have lots of published pokemon coloring pages on this site.
You can check out the huge collection of Pokemon coloring pages here.
We have also published your favorite Eevee coloring pages and its evolutions.

1. Articuno
Articuno is a legendary Pokemon. It is an ice and flying type Pokemon.

2. Galarian Articuno
Galarian Articuno is a psychic and flying legendary Pokemon.
It has high special attack and great offensive.

3. Zapdos
Zapdos is a dual-type electric and flying legendary Pokémon.
Thunder shock and drill peck is its strongest move set.

4. Galarian Zapdos
Galarian Zapdos is a legendary fighting and flying Pokémon.

5. Moltres
Moltres is a legendary fire/flying Pokemon that can control fire.

6. Galarian Moltres
Galarian Moltres is a legendary Pokemon and a flying type attacker.

Mewtwo is a humanoid Pokémon that is bipedal with feline features especially in its upper body.

8. Mega Mewtwo X
Mega Mewtwo X is one of the evolutions of Mewtwo.
It is a Psychic Pokemon and has evolved using Mewtwonite X.

9.Mega Mewtwo Y
Another evolution of Mewtwo and a legendary Pokémon is Mega Mewtwo Y.
It has evolved using Mewtwonite Y.

10. Raikou
Raikou is introduced in Generation II. It is a legendary Pokemon and embodies the speed of lightning.
However, it is vulnerable to ground moves.

Entei is a big legendary Pokemon with some mastiff characteristics.
It embodies the passion of magma and believed to be born from the eruption of volcano.

12. Suicune
Suicune is a water-type legendary Pokemon and embodies the passion of spring of water.
It has aquamarine crest on its head but vulnerable to electric moves and grass.

Lugia is a huge Pokémon that looks like a dragon and a bird.
It is a psyhic/flying Pokémon introduced in generation II.

14. Ho-Oh
Ho-oh is an avian legendary Pokémon that looks similar to phoenix and a peacock.

15. Regirock
Regirock is a Pokemon that is made entirely of rock and boulders.
It repair itself by making new rocks. It is weak with Pokémon’s that are fighting, steel, ground, grass and water.

16. Regice
Regice is an ice Pokémon that is introduced in generation III.

17. Registeel
Registeel is a Steel type of Pokemon introduced in generation III.
Its body is made of strange material harder than any type of metal.

18. Latias
Latias is a dragon and psychic type of legendary Pokemon.
It is very intelligent and capable of understanding human speech.

19. Mega Latias
Mega Latias is a great attacker and a dragon/psychic type Pokemon.
It is weak when exposed to bug, ghost, ice, dragon, dark and fairy moves.

20. Latios
Latios is a bird-like Pokemon.
This Pokemon is faster than a jet plane.

21. Mega Latios
Mega Latios is a mega evolution of Latios.
It is both a psychic and dragon Pokémon.

Kyogre is a water type Pokemon andd it is weak when exposed to grass and electric moves.
He is the personification of an ocean as Kyogre has the ability to expand it.

23. Primal Kyogre
Primal Kyogre is a legendary water type Pokémon.

Groudon is a big, legendary type Pokemon introduced in Generation 3.
He is a ground/fire type Pokemon.

25. Primal Groudon
Primal Groudon is a fire/ground type Pokémon.

26. Rayquaza
Rayquaza is a dragon/flying Pokémon introduced in Generation 3.
If you are a fan of Pokemon Unite game, you will really know Rayquaza because he is the one you will fight to get ahead and win the game.

27. Mega Rayquaza
Mega Rayquaza is the mega form of Rayquaza.
He is the undisputed overlord of Pokemon Go.

28. Uxie
Uxie is a psyhic type Pokemon introduced in Generation 4.
He is one of the Lake Guardians.

29. Mesprit
Mesprit is a legendary Pokemon introducedi Generation 4.
He is one of the Lake Guardians, along with Uxie and Azelf.

30. Azelf
Azelf is a legendary Pokemon called “The Being of Willpower” .
It is a small, gray-blue fairy like Pokemon.

31. Dialga
Dialga is a legendary Pokémon that is steel/dragon type.
It Is colored dark-blue with silver metallic lines and light blue stripes.

32. Dialga Origin Forme
Dialga Origin Forme is a legendary Pokémon that is said to control time.
It is said that time only began moving when Dialga was born.

Palkia is a legendary Pokemon that controls space.
It is a water/dragon type Pokemon.
It has light-purple color with some grayish parts as well.

34. Palkia Origin Forme
Palkia has the ability to distort space.
Space is said to become stable with Palkia’s every breath.

35. Heatran
Heatran is a fire/steel type legendary Pokemon.
His dwelling place is in volcanic caves.

36. Regigigas
Regigigas is a normal-type legendary Pokémon that is a skilled craftsman.
It is one of the most powerful Pokémon when it comes to raw stats despite it being a normal type Pokémon.

37. Giratina Altered Forme
Giratina is a ghost/dragon type Pokemon from Sinnoh region.
His best move set is shadow claw and dragon claw.

38. Giratina Origin Forme
This is Giratina’s true form.
It is vulnerable to ice, ghost, dragon, dark and fairy moves.

39. Cresselia
Cresselia is a psychic-type legendary Pokemon introduced in generation 4.
It is said to represent a crescent moon.

40. Cobalion
This is a fighting type legendary Pokémon.
It is a quadrupedal Pokemon that posesses the characteristics of stags and goats.

41. Terrakion
Terrakion is a rock/fighting Pokémon introduced in Generation 5.
It is a quadrupedal Pokemon with big horns.

42. Virizion
Virizion is a grass/fighting type Pokemon introduced in generation 5.
It is a quadrupedal deer-like legendary Pokémon that attack opponents with quick movements.

43. Tornadus Incarnate Forme
Tornadus is a moon flying Pokémon. It is a green, humanoid Pokémon that looks similar to a genie in its incarnate form.

44. Tornadus Therian Forme
Tornadus in its therian form is a large, bipedal, bird-like Pokemon.
It still has the color green with a bit of purple on the tip of its wings.

45. Thundurus Incarnate Forme
Thundurus is a flying/electric type Pokémon that has two forms – Incarnate and Therian form.

46. Thundurus Therian Forme
This is a picture to color of Thundurus therian form.

47. Reshiram
Reshiram is a dragon/fire type legendary Pokemon.
It is vulnerable to ground, dragon and rock type moves.

48. Zekrom
Zekram is a black, bipedal Pokémon that looks like a dragon and/or dinosaur.
It possesses electricity on its tail.

49. Landorus Incarnate Forme
Landorus ground/flying type Pokémon introduced in Generation 5.
It has two forms – Incarnate form and Therian form.

50. Landorus Therian Forme
Landorus Therian Form is a legendary ground/flying Pokémon.
It is vulnerable to ice and water moves.

51. Kyurem
Kyurem is a dragon/ice legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation 5.

52. Kyurem White
Kyurem White generates a powerful freezing energy in itself.

53. Kyurem Black
Black Kyurem can use power of both electricity and ice to fusing with Zekrom.

54. Xerneas Active Mode
Xerneas in active mode, its horns is multicolor.

55. Xerneas Neutral Mode
This is a Xerneas Neutral Mode coloring page.
Xerneas is always in neutral mode when not in battle.

56. Yveltal
Yveltal is a legendary dark/flying Pokémon introduced in Generation 6.
It is exclusive to Pokémon Y.

57. Zygarde 10 Forme
Zygarde has 3 forms and this is the 10% forme.
It looks similar to a dog.

58. Zygarde 50 Forme
This is one of the forms of Zygrade, the 50% forme.
It looks like a serpent that is angry.

59. Zygarde Coomplete Forme
This is Zygrade complete forme and the perfect forme of Zygrade.

60. Type Null
Type Null is a normal type Pokémon introduced in Generation 7.

61. Silvally Coloring Page
Silvally is a normal-type legendary Pokémon introduced in generation VII.

62. Tapu Koko
Tapu Koko is a legendary Pokémon that looks like a rooster. It is introduced in generation VII.

63. Tapu Lele
Tapu Lele is a psychic and fairy type legendary Pokémon.

64.Tapu Bulu
Tapu Bulu is a fairy/grass type legendary Pokémon introduced in generation VII.

65. Tapu Fini
Tapu Fini is a water and fairy type legendary Pokémon.

66. Cosmog Coloring Page
Cosmog is a psychic type legendary Pokémon introduced in generation VII.

67. Cosmoem Coloring Page
Cosmoem is a psychic-type legendary Pokemon.
It has a golden steel that is solid.

68. Solgaleo
Solgaleo is a psychic and steel-type Pokémon.
Ot evolves from Cosmoem.

69. Lunala
Lunala is a psychic and ghost type Pokémon.

70. Necrozma Coloring Pages
Necrozma is a psychic-type legendary Pokémon.

71. Dusk Man Necrizma
Dusk Man Necrizma is similar to an armored Solgaleo.
It has armors around its head, paws and sides.

72. Dawn Wings Necrozma
Dawn Wings Necrozma looks similar to an armored Lunala with Necrozma as body armor.

73. Ultra Necrozma

74. Zacian Hero of Many Battles

75. Zaciian Crowned Sword

76. Zamazenta Crowned Shield

77. Zamazenta Hero of many Battles

78. Eternatus

79. Eternamax Eternatus

80. Kubfu

81. Urshifu Single Strike Style

82. Urshifu Rapid Strike Style

83.Gigantama X Urshifu Single Strike Style

84. Giganntamax Urshifu Rapid Strike Style

85. Regieleki



88. Spectrier

89. Calyrex

90. Ice Rider Calyrex